Dr. Eugenio  Llorens Vilarrocha
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Dr. Eugenio Llorens Vilarrocha

Post-doctoral Fellow
Jaume I University, Spain

Highest Degree
Ph.D. in Science from Jaume I University, Spain

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Dr. Eugenio Llorens Vilarrocha is currently working as Post Doctoral Researcher at Jaume I University, Spain. He has completed his Ph.D. in Plant and Soil Sciences from same University. His main area of interest focuses on Plant and Soil Sciences and Environmental Sciences. His area of expertise includes Plant Pathology, Plant-Microbe Interaction, Induced Resistance, Plant Microbiology, and Plant Physiology. He has published 7 research articles in journals contributed as author/co-author.

Area of Interest:

Plant and Soil Sciences
Plant Pathology
Induced Resistance
Plant Physiology
Plant-Microbe Interactions

Research Publications in Numbers


Selected Publications

  1. Olaria, M., F.N. Jose, M. Hector, L. Leonor and L. Eugenio, 2016. Growth of bedding traditional plants in potting substrate for organic agriculture. Spanish J. Agric. Res., .
  2. Llorens, E., C. Gemma, L. Leonor and P. Garcia-Agustin, 2016. Priming by hexanoic acid induce activation of mevalonic and linolenic pathways and promotes the emission of plant volatiles. Front. Plant Sci., 10.3389/fpls.2016.00495.
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  3. Scalschi, L., L. Eugenio, C. Gemma, P. Victoria and F.C. Emma et al., 2015. Quantification of callose deposition in plant leaves. Bio-Protoc., 10.21769/BioProtoc.1610.
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  4. Llorens, E., L. Scalschi, E. Fernandez-Crespo, L. Lapena and P. Garcia-Agustin, 2015. Hexanoic acid provides long-lasting protection in 'fortune' mandarin against alternaria alternata. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol., 91: 38-45.
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  5. Llorens, E., B. Vicedo, M.M. Lopez, , L. Lapena, J.H. Graham and P. Garcia-Agustin, 2015. Induced resistance in sweet orange against xanthomonas citri subsp. citri by hexanoic acid. Crop Prot., 74: 77-84.
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  6. Fernandez-Crespo, E., S. Loredana, L. Eugenio, P. Garcia-Agustin and C. Gemma, 2015. NH4+ protects tomato plants against pseudomonas syringae by activation of systemic acquired acclimation. J. Exp. Bot., 10.1093/jxb/erv382.
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  7. Scalschi, L., G. Camanes, E. Llorens, E. Fernandez-Crespo, M.M. Lopez, P. Garcia-Agustin and B. Vicedo, 2014. Resistance Inducers modulate pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato strain dc3000 response in tomato plants. Plos One, 10.1371/journal.pone.0106429.
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  8. Llorens, E., C. Agust?-Brisach, A.I. Gonzalez-Hernandez, T. Pilar and V. Begonya et al., 2014. Bioassimilable sulphur provides effective control of oidium neolycopersici in tomato enhancing the plant immune system. Pest Manage. Sci., 10.1002/ps.4419.
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  9. Fernandez-Crespo, E., R. Gomez-Pastor, L. Scalschi, E. Llorens, G. Camanes and P. Garcia-Agustin, 2014. NH4+ induces antioxidant cellular machinery and provides resistance to salt stress in citrus plants. Trees, 28: 1693-1704.
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  10. Llorens, E., E. Fernandez-Crespo, B. Vicedo, L. Lapena and P. Garcia-Agustin, 2013. Enhancement of the citrus immune system provides effective resistance against Alternaria brown spot disease. J. plant Physiol., 170: 146-154.
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